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What Is a Certified Hydrographic Survey and How Does It Benefit You?

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If you’re a water enthusiast, a property owner, or a construction professional, you may have come across the term ‘certified hydrographic survey.’ But what exactly is it, and why do you need one? What Is This Type of Survey? Hydrographic surveying is the practice of measuring and mapping the depths, shapes and features of water bodies, such as lakes, rivers and oceans. This data is crucial for various purposes, such as nautical charting, environmental management, marine construction and resource exploration.…

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Your Guide To Finding the Right Submersible Pump for Your Pontoon Pump Station

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Pump stations are essential for a wide range of water moving needs and applications. You will find pumping stations exceedingly indispensable, from wastewater management to flood control, water supply, mining, irrigation, etc. However, like most equipment, pump stations come in different forms. For instance, you will need a floating or pontoon pumping station if you are working on water bodies like lagoons, lakes, streams, etc. And typically, floating pump stations rely on submersible pumps to get the job done.…

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Top Benefits of Slim Rainwater Tanks

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As water and energy conservation continues to draw attention globally, more people are buying and installing rainwater tanks. When connected to a gutter system, rainwater tanks can store vast amounts of rainwater for domestic use. They reduce household utility costs and place less strain on the municipal council’s water supply. However, many people are not familiar with slim tanks designed differently from the traditional round or square rainwater tanks. Here are the key benefits of slim rainwater tanks.…

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